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Fair Trade

Mann erntet eine Kakaofrucht.
©TransFair e. V./ Foto: Didier Gentilhomme.
Mann erntet eine Bananenstaude.
©TransFair e. V.
Pakistanische Frauen mit fair gehandelten Fußbällen in der Hand.
©TransFair e. V./ Foto: Oliver Scheel.

Since the sixties, there exists the approach of fair trade, an alternative to conventional global trade. Criticism on global trade is mainly based on the unfair conditions for the producer groups. The workers in developing countries are working for wages, which barely covers their life maintenance. The profit which is made by selling the produced goods in Europe goes to the international companies and distributors. Over and above, the protection of the workers and of the environment lack because of the fight of producing as cheap as possible.

In a nutshell, farmers and craftsmen in developing countries are working for very low wages to very poor conditions. Fair trade wants to change that by offering fair wages and working conditions to the producer groups in the south and full panoply of high quality goods to the consumers in the north. Therefore, poverty reduction takes place by adequate payment of provided services, not by charitable donations!

First and foremost, fair trade wants to support socially and economically disadvantaged population groups by providing a safe income – orientated on the daily cost of living - and additionally a social safeguarding. Fair trade enables producers to self-help and allocates the necessary resources.

If people with disabilities who personate an especially disadvantaged group in developing countries, have the possibility to work because of fair trade, they are able to earn their life maintenance on their own and breach the existential dependence of their families. Their employment displays a potential way to social integration and rise of their autonomy. As acting productively, people with disabilities play an active role themselves and release their families.
Thus, fair trade allows a sustainable improvement of the life situation of people living in developing countries.